telephone voice and fax numbers to contact the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), St. Louis, Mo. , in reference to obtaining the Standard Form 180, Request Pertaiing to Military Records.
Operation is simple. You will hear a recorded message explaining the need to send in a written request. You will then be asked to provide your name and address where the Standard Form (SF) 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records must be sent. You will also be asked to leave a telephone number if there is a medical emergency.
Reference Branch
Phone #
for SF 180Fax #
Army Reference Branch
Provides reference service on Army records, 1960 to present(314) 538-4261
(314) 538-4175
Air Force Reference Branch
Provides reference service on Air Force records:
1947-1963 (for individuals with last names of A through Hubbard,
James D.)
(314) 538-4243
(314) 538-4175
Records Reconstruction Branch
Provides reference service on records damaged in the 1973 fire at NPRC.
Army records:
Air Force records:
1947-1963 (for individuals with last names after Hubbard, James D.)
(314) 538-4261
(314) 538-4175
Navy Reference Branch
Provides reference service on Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard
records at NPRC(314) 538-4141
(314) 538-4175
For more information, go to
Archives II
SYMBOL ROOM BLDG ORGANIZATION OR TITLE PHONE IN CHARGE N 4200 AII ARCHIVIST OF THE UNITED STATES 301-713-6410 John W. Carlin ND 4200 AII DEPUTY ARCHIVIST/CHIEF OF STAFF 301-713-6410 Lewis J. Bellardo NDEV 3200 AII Development Staff 301-713-6146 Naomi Revzin NEEO 4400 AII EEO & Diversity Programs 301-713-6935 Robert Jew NGC 3110 AII General Counsel 301-713-6025 Gary M. Stern NCON 3200 AII Congressional and Public Affairs Staff 301-713-7070 John A. Constance 3200 AII Public Affairs 301-713-6000 Susan Cooper NPOL 4100 AII Policy and Communications Staff 301-713-7360 Lori A. Lisowski ISOO 18N AI Information Security Oversight Office 202-219-5250 Steven Garfinkel NHPRC 111 AI Natl. Historical Pubs. & Records Commission 202-501-5600 Ann Clifford Newhall 111 AI Deputy Director 202-501-5600 Roger A. Bruns OIG 1300 AII Office of the Inspector General 301-713-7300 Paul Brachfeld 1300 AII Audits 301-713-7300 James Springs 1300 AII Investigations 301-713-7300 Ralph E. McNamara 1300 AII Counsel 301-713-7300 Jennifer Hepler NA 4200 AII OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 301-713-6400 Adrienne C. Thomas B-21 AI Archives I Renovation Staff 202-219-0720 Patrick Alexander NAA 3360 AII Acquisitions Services Division 301-713-6755 Sylvia Edwards NAB 5200 AII Financial Services Division 301-713-6810 David M. Millane NABB 5200 AII Budget Branch 301-713-6820 William H. Denton NABF 5200 AII Finance Branch 301-713-6830 Philip J. Giza NAR 5100 AII Revolving Fund Finance Staff 301-713-6820 Michael Whitacre NAT 5106 AII National Archives Trust Fund Division 301-713-6405 Evelyn A. Brown 5106 AII Cashiers Office - AII 301-713-6990 Joan Edelen G-1 AI Cashiers Office - AI 202-501-5170 Mary Ann Chumney NAF 2320 AII Facilities & Materiel Mgmt. Services Div. 301-713-6470 Gary E. Marino NAFM 2320 AII Facilities Management Branch - AII 301-713-6500 Mark D. Sprouse B-21 AI Facilities Management Branch - AI 202-501-5040 Timothy H. Edwards NAS 2300 AII Space & Security Management Division 301-713-6750 Stephen E. Hannestad 2300 AII Information Security 301-713-6750 Virginia A. Hall 2300 AII Personnel Security 301-713-6750 Mary Gallion 2300 AII Safety & Building Security - AII 301-713-6750 Paula L. Ayres B-0 AI Safety & Building Security - AI 202-501-5020 Ken Slarb NF 700 NCAP OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER 202-523-4534 Raymond A. Mosley 700 NCAP Special Assistant 202-523-4534 James W. Hemphill NFL 700 NCAP Legal Affairs & Policy Staff 202-523-4534 Michael L. White NFS 700 NCAP Publications & Services Group 202-523-4534 Frances D. McDonald NFT 700 NCAP Technical Support Staff 202-523-4534 NH 4400 AII OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES & INFO. SERVICES 301-713-6402 L. Reynolds Cahoon NHP 4400 AII Info. Resources Policy & Projects Div. 301-713-6730 Martha Morphy (A) NHT 1510 AII Info. Technology Services Division 301-713-6415 Dorothy Fields (A) NHTO 1510 AII Info. Technology Operations Branch 301-713-6415 Dorothy Fields 1060 NPRC Staff 314-538-4404 Ken McBride NHH 1200 AII Human Resources Services Division 301-713-6760 Henry Leibowitz NHHO 2002 NPRC Human Resources Operations Branch 314-538-4943 Jerry Pirtle TDD (St. Louis) 314-538-4799 TDD (Washington, DC) 301-713-6760 NHHR 1200 AII Employee Relations & Benefits Branch 301-713-6760 Henry Leibowitz (A) NHS 1200 AII Staff Development Services 301-713-7390 Marilyn Bott NW 3400 AII OFFICE OF RECORDS SERVICES - WASHINGTON, DC 301-713-7000 Michael J. Kurtz 3400 AII Deputy Assist. Arch. for Records Services 301-713-7000 Howard Lowell 3400 AII Director, Staff Operations 301-713-7010 Edith James NWL 8E AI Center for Legislative Archives 202-501-5350 Michael L. Gillette 2400 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-7250 R. Michael McReynolds 8E AI Supervisory Archives Technician 301-713-6630 John Lemanowicz, Jr. NWM 2100 AII Modern Records Programs 301-713-7110 Michael Miller NWML 2100 AII Life Cycle Management Division 301-713-7100 Marie B. Allen 2100 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-7110 Jerome Nashorn 5320 AII Supervisory Archives Specialist 301-713-7100 William G. Lefurgy NWME 5320 AII Elect. & Spec. Media Records Svcs. Div. 301-713-6635 Michael Carlson 5320 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-6630 Thomas Brown 5320 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-6645 Margaret Adams NWMD 2600 AII Initial Processing/Declassification Div. 301-713-7160 Jeanne Schauble 2614 AII Civilian/Early National Group 301-713-7160 Ronald Swerczek 2614 AII Civilian 301-713-7160 Ronald Swerczek 8W AI Early National Group 202-501-5465 Teresa F. Matchette 2613 AII Military Group 301-713-7147 Anthony Fantozzi 2613 AII Army/Airforce 301-713-7147 Anthony Fantozzi 2600 AII Defense/Navy 301-713-7160 Richard Wood NWMW 121 WNRC Washington National Records Center 301-457-7000 Alan Kramer 121 WNRC Supervisory Archives Specialist 301-457-7000 Orace R. Whitelock NWMWA 129 WNRC Accession & Disposal Branch 301-457-7035 Judith Barnes NWMWM G-3 WNRC Supervisory Archives Specialist 301-457-7095 Andrew Jones NWMWR 125 WNRC Reference Service Branch 301-457-7010 Leanne Townsend NWC 2800 AII Access Programs 301-713-6655 Sharon Thibodeau NWCR 3W1E AI Records Control Staff 202-501-5032 Robert B. Matchette 604 AI Supervisory Laborer 202-501-5310 Lamar Dorsey NWCD B-23 AI Product Development Staff 202-501-6065 Sandra Glasser NWCDS B-23 AI National Archives Shop 202-501-5235 Katherine Rinehart NWCH B-24 AI Holdings Maintenance Staff 202-501-6947 T. Wayne Tracy 2600 AII Supervisory Archives Specialist 301-713-7169 Albert Robinson NWCT 2600 AII Textual Archives Services Division 301-713-7230 James J. Hastings NWCTB 13W AI Old Military and Civil Records LICON 202-501-5385 Cynthia G. Fox 11W AI Supervisory Archivist 202-501-5390 Richard Peuser 11E AI Supervisory Archivist 202-501-5395 Aloha South 5W AI Supervisory Archivist Specialist 202-501-5642 Gloratene Robinson 5E AI Supervisory Archivist Technician 202-501-5641 Burnice Jackson NWCTC 2600 AII Civilian Records LICON 301-713-7230 Clarence Lyons 2600 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-7230 James Rush NWCTF 6350 AII Special Access/FOIA LICON 301-713-6620 Steven Tilley NWCTM 2400 AII Modern Military Records LICON 301-713-7250 Timothy Nenninger 2400 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-7250 Kenneth W. Heger NWCS 3320 AII Special Medial Archives Services Div. 301-713-7030 Robert Richardson 5360 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-6625 Edward McCarter 3340 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-7050 Leslie Waffen NWCC 2400 AII Customer Services Division 301-713-6107 Diane Dimkoff NWCCA 2500 AII Archives Library Information Center 301-713-6778 Lida H. Churchville NWCC1 406 AI Archives I Research Support Branch 202-501-5403 Jo Ann Williamson 406 AI Supervisory Archivist 202-501-5403 Gary Morgan 403 AI Customer Service Center 202-501-5400 NWCC2 3400 AII Archives II Research Support Branch 301-713-6800 Robert W. Coren 1000 AII Supervisory Archivist 301-713-6800 Vernon Smith 1000 AII Customer Service Center 301-713-6800 NWT 2800 AII Preservation Programs 301-713-6705 Doris A. Hamburg NWT-R 2800 AII National Preservation Program Officer 301-713-6705 Miranda Martin NWTD 1901 AII Document Conservation Laboratory 301-713-6700 Norvell Jones B-1 AI Supervisory Conservator 202-501-5360 Mary L. Ritzenthaler NWTS B811 AII Special Media Preservation Laboratory 301-713-7195 Clarence Simmons B815 AII Supervisory Photo Preservation Spec. 301-713-6714 Richard Schneider NWE G-13 AI Director, Museum Programs 202-501-5210 Marvin Pinkert G-6 AI Public Programs - AI 202-501-5210 Marvin Pinkert 3700 AII Public Programs - AII 301-713-6274 Marvin Pinkert NWE-V G-13 AI Visitor and Volunteer Services 202-501-5205 Marvin Pinkert NWEE 3700 AII Education 301-713-6274 NWEX G-13 AI Exhibits 202-501-5226 Chris Rudy Smith NR 3600 AII OFFICE OF REGIONAL RECORDS SERVICES 301-713-7200 Richard Claypoole 3600 AII Assistant for Operations 301-713-7210 Gregory A. Pomicter 3600 AII Records Center Program Manager 301-713-7220 David Weinberg NRA BOSTON Northeast Region 781-647-8745 Diane LeBlanc Assistant Regional Administrator 781-647-8109 Paul Wester NRABA Director, Archival Operations 781-647-8102 James K. Owens NRABC Director, Records Center Operations 781-647-8108 Paul J. Palermo NRABR Director, Records Management Prog. 781-647-8104 Stephanie Fawcett NRAP PITTSFIELD Pittsfield Facility 413-445-6885 Edmund Kelly NRAN NY New York Facility 212-337-1300 Robert C. Morris NRB PHIL-NE Mid-Atlantic Region 215-671-8005 Thomas Mills PHIL-CC Assistant Regional Administrator 215-597-9752 Robert Plowman NRBPA PHIL-CC Director, Archival Operations 215-597-0921 Kellee Blake NRBPC PHIL-NE Director, Records Center Operations 215-671-8074 David Roland NRBPM PHIL-NE Director, Records Management Prog. 215-671-1175 David Weber NRC ATLANTA Southeast Region 404-763-7438 James McSweeney Assistant Regional Administrator 404-763-7524 Vacant NRCAA Director, Archival Operations 404-763-7065 Charles Reeves NRCAC Director, Records Center Operations 404-763-7477 Gina Williams NRCAR Director, Records Management Prog. 404-763-7061 Gregory Schildmeyer NRD CHICAGO Great Lakes Region 773-581-7816 David E. Kuehl Assistant Regional Administrator 773-581-9688 Denis Paskauskas NRDA Director, Archival Operations 773-581-7816 Peter Bunce NRDC Director, Records Center Operations 773-581-7816 Pam Wegner NRDR Director, Records Management Prog. 773-581-7816 Joseph Suster NRDD DAYTON Dayton Facility 937-225-2852 David Cornelisse NRE KC Central Plains Region 816-926-6920 R. Reed Whitaker Assistant Regional Administrator 816-478-7079 John Allshouse NREKA Director, Archival Operations 816-926-6920 Diana Duff NREKC Director, Records Center Operations 816-926-6920 Linda Stubbs NREKR Director, Records Management Prog. 816-926-6920 Mark Corriston NREL LEE'S SUMMIT Lee's Summit Facility 816-478-7079 Dean Donovan Director, Records Center Operations 816-478-7079 Dean Donovan NRF FT WORTH Southwest Region 817-334-5515 Kent C. Carter Assistant Regional Administrator 817-334-5515 Bobbie Hampton NRFFA Director, Archival Operations 817-334-5515 Meg Hacker NRFFC Director, Records Center Operations 817-334-5515 Leonard Harmon NRFFR Director, Records Management Prog. 817-334-5515 John Smith NRG DENVER Rocky Mountain Region 303-236-0804 Barbara Voss Assistant Regional Administrator 303-236-0801 Joel Barker NRGDA Director, Archival Operations 303-236-0817 Eileen Bolger NRGDC Director, Records Center Operations 303-236-0827 Genola Smith NRGDR Director, Records Management Prog. 303-236-0822 Mark Ferguson NRH SF Pacific Region 650-876-9249 Shirley J. Burton Assistant Regional Administrator 650-876-9015 David Drake NRHSA Director, Archival Operations 650-876-9005 Dan Nealand NRHSC Director, Records Center Operations 650-876-9015 Gary Cramer NRHSR Director, Records Management Prog. 650-876-9084 Richard Boyden NRHL LAGUNA Laguna Niguel Facility 949-360-6334 Daniel Bennett NRHLA Director, Archival Operations 949-360-2640 Paul Wormser NRHLC Director, Records Center Operations 949-360-2618 Bruce MacVicar NRHLR Director, Records Management Prog. 949-360-2621 Ann Cummings NRI SEATTLE Pacific Alaska Region 206-526-6501 Steven Edwards Assistant Regional Administrator 206-526-6501 Candace Lein-Hayes NRISA Director, Archival Operations 206-526-6501 Sue Karren NRISC Director, Records Center Operations 206-526-6501 Steve Ourada NRISR Director, Records Management Prog. 206-526-6501 Candace Lein-Hayes (A) NRIA ANCHORAGE Anchorage Facility 907-271-2443 Thomas E. Wiltsey NRP NPRC National Personnel Records Center 314-538-4201 Ronald L. Hindman NRPS NPRC Management Systems Staff 314-538-4281 Deborah L. Hilton NRPC NPRC-CIV Assistant Director for Civilian Records 314-538-5722 Clifford G. Amsler NRPCO NPRC-CIV Civilian Operations Branch 314-538-5725 Vacant NRPCR NPRC-CIV Reference Service Branch 314-538-5751 William Bassman NRPM NPRC-MIL Assistant Director for Military Records 314-538-4247 Scott Levins NRPMO NPRC-MIL Military Operations Branch 314-538-4248 John Carver NRPMF NPRC-MIL Air Force Reference Branch 314-538-4282 Marcia Haley NRPMA NPRC-MIL Army Reference Branch 314-538-4157 Virginia Barrett NRPMN NPRC-MIL Navy Reference Branch 314-538-4166 Robert C. Rootz NRPMR NPRC-MIL Records Reconstruction Branch 314-538-4233 Thelma Martin NRPMR-P NPRC-MIL Philippine Army Section 314-538-4350 Yvonne Watson NL 2200 AII OFFICE OF PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES 301-713-6050 David F. Peterson NL 2200 AII Deputy Assist. Arch. for Pres. Libraries 301-713-6050 Sharon K. Fawcett NLMS 104 AI Presidential Materials Staff 202-501-5700 Nancy Kegan Smith 2W AI Staff 202-501-5705 NLNS 1320 AII Nixon Presidential Materials Staff 301-713-6950 Karl Weissenbach NLHH Herbert Hoover Library 319-643-5301 Timothy G. Walch NLFDR Franklin D. Roosevelt Library 845-229-8114 Cynthia M. Koch NLHST Harry S. Truman Library 816-833-1400 Scott Roley (A) NLDDE Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 785-263-4751 Daniel D. Holt NLJFK John F. Kennedy Library 617-929-4500 Maria Stanwich (A) NLLBJ Lyndon Baines Johnson Library 512-916-5137 Harry J. Middleton NLGRF Gerald R. Ford Library 734-741-2218 Dennis A. Daellenbach NLGRFM Gerald R. Ford Museum 616-451-9263 Dennis A. Daellenbach NLJC Jimmy Carter Library 404-331-3942 Jay E. Hakes NLRR Ronald Reagan Library 800-410-8354 R. Duke Blackwood NLGB George Bush Library 979-260-9552 Edward Douglas Menarchik NLCP Clinton Presidential Materials Project 501-244-9756 David E. Alsobrook CONTRACTOR SERVICES SECURE 1250 AII Securiguard - AII 301-713-6480 G-4 AI Securiguard - AI 202-501-5023 CESI B530 AII Consolidated Engineering Serv., Inc. - AII 301-713-6508 Cheryl Gwinn B530 AII Administrative 301-713-6503 Tom Scanlon B536 AII Cleaning Service 301-713-6969 Marcia Clark 1100 AII Child Care 301-713-6890 Leitha Wilson B513 AII Fitness Center 301-713-7298 Adele Federico B-14 AI Consolidated Engineering Serv., Inc. - AI 202-501-5015 Frank Cantwell B-25 AI Cleaning Service 202-501-5015 Faye Hamilton 18N AI Fitness Center 301-713-7298 Holly Low THO 1076 AII Thompson Hospitality 301-713-6966 Johnny Brooks PHS 1500 AII Nurse - AII 301-713-6688 Carol Walker G-2 AI Nurse - AI 202-501-5035 Cindy Sitko 126 WNRC Nurse - WNRC 301-457-7021 Linda Campbell SIGNAL 4320 AII Signal/RMS 301-713-6895 Shelby Shepherd IMPACT 4320 AII Impact 301-713-6895 Joe Verghese 4320 AII Help Desk - AII 301-713-6996 B-31 AI Help Desk - AI 202-501-5150 FOU B840 AII Faifax Opportunities Unltd. Mail - AII 301-713-6960 Ed Scott B-15 AI Faifax Opportunities Unltd. Mail - AI 202-501-5190 Janet Anderson
This mailing list provides worldwide distribution of Military Health
System (MHS), TRICARE, and other military-health related news and infor-
mation. See bottom of message for sources of TRICARE assistance and
information, and mailing list subscription/unsubscription instructions.
Who's your TRICARE contractor? That depends on where you live. Here's a list
TRICARE regions, what states/areas they include, and the names, claims
addresses, telephone numbers and Web Site:s of the contractors for each
Generally, claims addresses and telephone numbers are for the firms that are
sub-contracted to process claims for each regional TRICARE contractor.
#Region 1 (Northeast)-includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, certain northern Virginia ZIP codes
located near the Washington, D.C., area, and a few ZIP codes in northeastern
West Virginia.
Contractor: Sierra Military Health Services, Inc.
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-888-999-5195
Claims Mailing Address: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7011, Camden, SC
Toll-free Phone for Claims: 1-800-578-1294
Contractor's Web Site:
Claims Processor's Web Site:
#Region 2 (Mid-Atlantic)-includes North Carolina and most of Virginia,
except a
small part of northern Virginia that's in Region 1.
Contractor: Anthem Alliance for Health, Inc.
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-800-931-9501
Claims Mailing Address: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7021, Camden, SC
Toll-free Phone for Claims: 1-800-493-1613
Contractor's Web Site:
Claims Processor's Web Site:
#Regions 3 (Southeast) and 4 (Gulf South)-includes Florida, Georgia, South
Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, the eastern third of Louisiana,
which includes New Orleans and Baton Rouge, and a small part of northeastern
Arkansas that's in the Naval Hospital, Millington, Tenn., service area.
Contractor: Humana Military Healthcare Services
Toll-free Phone Numbers for Information: 1-800-444-5445 (Beneficiary
Services); 1-800-333-4040 (Health Care Finder)
Claims Mailing Addresses for Claims Related to:
Resource Sharing: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7033, Camden, SC 29020-7033
Mental Health: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7034, Camden, SC 29020-7034
Active Duty: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7035, Camden, SC 29020-7035
PFPWD (Disabilities): Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7036, Camden, SC
Adjunctive Dental Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7037, Camden, SC 29020-7037
All Other Claims Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7031, Camden, SC 29020-7031
Toll-free Phone for Claims: 1-800-403-3950
Contractor's Web Site:
Claims Processor's Web Site:
#Region 5 (Heartland)-includes Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio,
Kentucky, a small part of Tennessee, the St. Louis area in Missouri, and
of West Virginia except for a small section of the eastern part of the state
that's included in Region 1.
Contractor: Anthem Alliance for Health, Inc.
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-800-941-4501
Claims Mailing Address: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 7021, Camden, SC
Toll-free Phone for Claims: 1-800-493-1613
Contractor's Web Site:
Claims Processor's Web Site:
#Region 6 (Southwest)-includes Oklahoma, Arkansas except for a small piece
northeastern Arkansas that's in the Naval Hospital, Millington, Tenn.,
area, most of Texas except for a triangular piece of the southwestern part
the state that includes El Paso, and approximately the western two-thirds of
Louisiana, generally west of Baton Rouge.
Contractor: Health Net Federal Services
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-800-406-2832
Claims Mailing Address: WPS, P.O. Box 8999, Madison, WI 53708-8999
Toll-free Phone for Claims: 1-800-406-2832
Contractor's Web Site:
#Central Region (formerly known as Regions 7 and 8)-includes Arizona,
New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Nevada, North and South
Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, most of Idaho except for six counties in
northern Idaho, that piece of southwestern Texas that includes El Paso, and
Missouri-except for the St. Louis area, which is in Region 5.
Contractor: TriWest Healthcare Alliance
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-888-874-9378
Claims Mailing Addresses by State:
Arizona: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870026, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-8726
New Mexico: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870032, Surfside Beach, SC
Colorado: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870027, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-8727
Wyoming: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870126, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-9726
Montana: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870127, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-9727
Minnesota: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870129, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-9729
Iowa: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870029, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-8729
Kansas: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870030, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-8730
Missouri: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870130, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-9730
Nebraska: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870128, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-9728
Nevada: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870033, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-8733
North Dakota: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870031, Surfside Beach, SC
South Dakota: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870131, Surfside Beach, SC
Utah: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870132, Surfside Beach, SC 29587-9732
Southwest Texas: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870133, Surfside Beach, SC
Most of Idaho: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870028, Surfside Beach, SC
NOTE: The following six counties in northern Idaho are in Region 11
(Northwest): Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai,
Latah, and Shoshone.
Toll-free Phone for Claims: 1-800-225-4816
Contractor's Web Site:
Claims Processor's Web Site:
#Regions 9 (Southern California) and 10 (Golden Gate)-includes California
and the Yuma, Ariz., area.
Contractor: Health Net Federal Services
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-800-242-6788
Claims Address: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870001, Surfside Beach, SC
Toll-free Phone for Claims: 1-800-930-2929
Contractor's Web Site:
Claims Processor's Web Site:
#Region 11 (Northwest)-includes Washington, Oregon, and the following six
counties in northern Idaho: Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, Latah, and
Contractor: Health Net Federal Services
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-800-404-0110
Claims Address: WPS, TRICARE-NW, P.O. Box 8929, Madison, WI 53708-8929
Toll-free Phone for Claims: 1-800-404-0110
Contractor's Web Site:
#Pacific Region-includes Hawaii, Alaska, and the Western Pacific/Far East.
Contractor for Alaska/Hawaii: Health Net Federal Services
Toll-free Phone for Alaska/Hawaii Information: 1-800-242-6788
Claims Address for Alaska/Hawaii: Palmetto GBA, P.O. Box 870001,
Beach, SC 29587-8701
Toll-free Phone for Alaska/Hawaii Claims: 1-800-930-2929
Alaska/Hawaii Contractor's Web Site:
Claims Processor's Web Site:
#Western Pacific/Far East-includes China, Thailand, Korea, Australia, Japan,
Toll-free Phone for Western Pacific/Far East Information:
Claims Address for Western Pacific/Far East: WPS, P.O. Box 7985,
USA 53707-7985
Phone Number for Western Pacific/Far East Claims: (608) 224-2727
#TRICARE Europe-includes Europe, Africa and the Middle East
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-888-777-8343
Claims Mailing Address: WPS, P.O. Box 8976, Madison, WI USA 53708-8976
Phone Number for Claims: (608) 224-2727
#TRICARE Latin America and Canada-includes Canada, Mexico, Central
America, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and West Indies
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-888-777-8343
Claims Mailing Address: WPS, P.O. Box 7985, Madison, WI USA 53707-7985
Phone Number for Claims: (608) 224-2728
o TRICARE DENTAL PLAN (for active-duty families, and for reservists and
Contractor: United Concordia Companies, Inc.
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-800-866-8499
Toll-free Phone for Enrollment Applications and Information:
Contractor's Web Site:
Contractor: Delta Dental
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-888-838-8737
Contractor's Web Site:
Contractor: Merck-Medco
Toll-free Phone for Information: 1-800-903-4680
Contractor's Web Site:
No matter which of the TRICARE health care options or programs you decide to
use, be sure you understand the rules under which they operate. Get copies
any available brochures, fact sheets or handbooks that pertain to the option
program you select. You can usually get informational materials from the
benefits adviser (HBA) at the nearest military treatment facility, from the
beneficiary counseling and assistance coordinator (BCAC) at your TRICARE
region's lead agent office, or from the regional TRICARE contractor's local
TRICARE service center or Web Site:. You'll also find information on the
Military Health System/TRICARE Web Site at
NOTE: BCAC directory is also available at
Send TRICARE related questions to: TRICARE_HELP@AMEDD.ARMY.MIL
"TRICARE For Life" info:
TRICARE Beneficiary Discussion Forum:
TRICARE Regions Map and Directory of TRICARE Service Centers:
TRICARE Claims Forms:
TRICARE On-Line Provider Directory:
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